ABCorp Barcode Unit will be closed from Thursday 19th December and re-opening on Tuesday 7th January. Last day to place your order Friday 6th December, all orders received after this date will be sent out in the new year.

Asset Labels

Companies today have significant investment in their Physical Assets, from general office equipment to industrial tools; each lost asset affects your bottom line. It is important to manage and protect your assets, ABCorp provides a range of specialised Asset Identification labels to suit a range of versatile usage and durability options; tamper evident labels for additional security; paper, polyester and vinyl labels for quick, simple asset marking; aluminium and brass and steel plates when permanent, identification is required. Identifying and controlling your organisations valuable assets is essential to keeping control over your bottom line.

Asset Tracking and Identification

Assets are frequently being moved around a site or out into the field, undergoing repairs, sold, updated or stolen. From purchase to disposal and all the steps in between an asset’s history can easily be tracked and reviewed using labels.

Asset identification and tracking helps your organisation to manage physical assets and make informed decisions regarding the inventory; such as when to repair or replace assets or to track and prevent theft. The benefits of asset management which incorporates barcode labels, includes:

  • Enhance security, prevent theft and track assets
  • Limit equipment downtime through better planning
  • Help track maintenance for compliance requirements
  • Maximise efficiencies of personnel and equipment

ABCorp’s online Asset Label Ordering is the quick and easy way to design, preview and order asset labels and tags for your business. Use our online label generator to create your own asset label or tag, approve your artwork immediately, labels will be shipped to you in days.

ABCorp supplies a number of Asset label solutions to meet your company’s requirements, as follows;

  • Standard Asset Labels
  • Plastic Asset Labels
  • Rigid Aluminium Labels
  • Aluminium Foil Labels

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