ABCorp Barcode Unit will be closed from Thursday 19th December and re-opening on Tuesday 7th January. Last day to place your order Friday 6th December, all orders received after this date will be sent out in the new year.


Asset Tracking and Identification

The use of Barcodes for asset management has enabled many organisations to manage their property and tracking of assets more efficiently. A barcode label is created to match the asset shown on the organisation's asset register and affixed to the asset. Using a barcode reader, the labels on the assets can be quickly and accurately read -eliminating handwriting and key-punching.

Barcode labels for asset, property or equipment tagging need to be durable and resistant to heat, UV light and solvents. ABCorp asset labels are available in three different materials i.e. standard, plastic and anodised aluminium, to suit any environmental conditions, with adhesive, coatings and rivet holes to suit:

  • Standard Asset Label
  • Plastics Asset Label
  • Aluminium Label
  • Aluminium Foil Label
  • Teflon® on Aluminium Label
  • Extra High Temperature (XHT)


Durable Bar Code and Labeling Solutions for Government

Camcode asset tags have been designed for government asset-tracking environments from normal fixed-asset inventory items like office equipment to outdoor street signs. Whether you're a city employee working to comply with FHWA requirements, or a property manager within a federal government agency responsible for property control and accountability, it comes down to havingassets that need to be tracked.

The starting point for any asset management system is reliable asset identification. Camcode's asset tag products have the durability to last the life of your assets. Our bar code labels integrate seamlessly into the industry's leading asset management solutions (please ask for our advice if you're selecting a software solutions provider) and virtually eliminate errors caused by manual data collection, ensuring accurate information. The results are optimized asset tracking, increased utilization and reduced cost.

Camcode Bar Code Label Solutions for Government include the following products:

  •  Asset Tags and Labels (a view of all our most popular products)
  •  Metalphoto® Foil Asset Labels
  •  Metalphoto Tags and Nameplates
  •  Metalphoto with Teflon® for Resistance to Paint or Graffiti
  •  Premium Polyester Fixed Asset Labels
  •  Destructible Vinyl Security Labels
  •  Tamper-Evident Polyester Security Tags

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